One day a man was going to market with his son and his ass. they met a couple on the way.
"Why walk when you have an ass to ride?" called out the husband, "seat the boy on the ass."
"I would like that," said the boy, "help me up father."And the father did that willingly.
Soon they met another couple. "How shameful of you!" cried the woman, "let your father ride, won't he be tired?"
So, the boy got down and the father rode the ass. Again they marched on.
"poor boy", said the next person they met, "why should the lazy father ride while his son is walking?"
So, the boy got onto the ass too. As they went on, they met some travellers."How cruel of them!" They are up to kill the poor ass." cried one of the travellers.
Hearing this, the father and the son got down. Now they decided to carry the ass on their shoulders. As they did so, the travellers broke into laughter.
The laughter frightened the ass. It broke free and galloped away.
MORAL: You can not please everyone
A lazy grasshopper laughed at a little ant as she was always busy gathering food.
"why are you working so hard?" he asked, "come into the sunshine and listen to my merry notes."
"But the ant went on her work. She said" I am lying in a store for the winter. Sunny days won't last for ever."
"Winter is so far away yet, "laughed the grasshopper back.And when the winter came, the ant settled down in her snug house. She had plenty of food to last the whole winter. The grasshopper had nothing to eat so, he went to the ant and begged her for a little corn.
"No", replied the ant, "you laughed at me when I worked. You yourself sang through the summer. So you had better dance the winter away."
MORAL : Idleness is a curse.
Milk-maid had been to the meadow to milk her cows. Now she was returning home with a pail of milk on her head.
She thought, "I will make cream . Milk-maid had been to the meadow to milk her cows. Now she was returning home with a pail of milk on her head.
She thought, "I will make cream and butter
She further thought, "I shall sell some of my fowls and buy a fine dress. Seeing it on my body at the fair, all the boys will admire me. But I will turn them away just tossing my head at them."
Lost in day dreams, she forgot about the pail on her head. She tossed her head with a jerk and the pail of milk came tumbling down. it was broken and all the milk got spilt.
"Dear O dear !" she cried, "I have lost my all."
Some wonderful facts related to Friendship Day that are sure to arouse your intersest.
In 1935, the United States Congress announced the first Sunday of August as the National Friendship Day and declared it to be a holiday in honor of friends.
Women's Friendship Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of September.
Best Friends Weekend is an occasion established by the Best Friends Animal Society. It is celebrated every year from June 23 - June 25 to honor and protect the rights of animals. The first day of the weekend is called Best Friends' Day.
'D del Amigo' (The Spanish Friend's Day) is a celebration of friendship, held annually on July 20, mainly in Argentina and Uruguay.
Old Friends, New Friends Week is the third week of May.
The whole of February is designated as the International Friendship Month.
In 1997, the United Nations named Winnie - the Pooh, the famous cartoon character as the world's Ambassador of Friendship.
The immortal song "With a Little Help from My Friends" by Beatles, that deals with the theme of friendship, was released in 1967.