Milk-maid had been to the meadow to milk her cows. Now she was returning home with a pail of milk on her head.
She thought, "I will make cream . Milk-maid had been to the meadow to milk her cows. Now she was returning home with a pail of milk on her head.
She thought, "I will make cream and butter
out of this milk. Then selling them, I will buy eggs. and when they hatch, I shall have good poultry
She further thought, "I shall sell some of my fowls and buy a fine dress. Seeing it on my body at the fair, all the boys will admire me. But I will turn them away just tossing my head at them."
Lost in day dreams, she forgot about the pail on her head. She tossed her head with a jerk and the pail of milk came tumbling down. it was broken and all the milk got spilt.
"Dear O dear !" she cried, "I have lost my all."
MORAL: Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
Milk-maid had been to the meadow to milk her cows. Now she was returning home with a pail of milk on her head.

out of this milk. Then selling them, I will buy eggs. and when they hatch, I shall have good poultry 
But I will turn them away just tossing my head at them."
She thought, "I will make cream . Milk-maid had been to the meadow to milk her cows. Now she was returning home with a pail of milk on her head.
She thought, "I will make cream and butter
She further thought, "I shall sell some of my fowls and buy a fine dress. Seeing it on my body at the fair, all the boys will admire me.
Lost in day dreams, she forgot about the pail on her head. She tossed her head with a jerk and the pail of milk came tumbling down. it was broken and all the milk got spilt.
"Dear O dear !" she cried, "I have lost my all."
MORAL: Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.